Doctoral Training and Early Career Researchers Programme

You Are Either a Doctoral Student or an Early Career Researcher?

If you want to boost your career in research, then participate in our Doctoral Training and Early Career Researchers Programme. These workshops and seminars not only offer you the possibility to improve your skills for academic research but also provide the opportunity of tapping into a network of colleagues. The workshops and seminars are linked to our bi-annual conference and regional initiatives. We also publish the names of those that have successfully participated in these workshop and seminars. And who knows, you might receive our IFPR Early Career Researchers Mentoring Award. The agenda is found at this web-page after the brief description of the various programmes.

IFPR Doctoral Workshop

The IFPR Doctoral Workshop aims at supporting you not only with how to do a research project from the beginning (research objectives) to the end (analysing results) but also with how to publish your results in a thesis and possibly journal publications. Furthermore, how to undertake an academic job search will be discussed. More information can be found here .

Early Career Researchers Programme

During the International Conference on Production Research that takes place every other year, the International Foundation for Production Research organises a programme for young academics that have just completed their doctoral study and started or are about to start their academic career. During this programme, the board members of this foundation will help to formulate your own research profile. More information can be found here .

Early Career Researchers Mentoring Award

During each International Conference on Production Research, three early career researchers will receive this award (for each of the regional chapters one). That includes mentoring by one of our board members and the invitation to present a keynote speech during the next conference.

How to Apply?

You will be eligible for participating in any of these workshops and programmes if you are undertaking a doctoral study or if you are an early career researcher within the scope of the International Foundation for Production Research. If you fulfil this condition, you may send an application to the Doctoral Training and Early Career Researchers Committee (for more details see the individual documents). Please note that when you have completed one of the doctoral workshops or the Early Career Researchers Programme, you will receive a certificate and your attendance will be registered at our web-site.

Doctoral Training and Early Career Researchers Programm Committee

The Doctoral Training and Early Career Researchers Programme Committee consists of:

  • Prof. Dr. Bopaya Bidanda (University of Pittsburgh, USA),
  • Dr. ir. Rob Dekkers (University of Glasgow, UK),
  • Prof. Dr. Huang Chin-Yin (Tunghai University, Taiwan)
  • Prof. Dr. Ing. Daniela Popescu (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania).

Contact Details

Chair of the Doctoral Training and Early Career Researchers Programme Committee

Dr. Rob Dekkers

Adam Smith Business School/University of Glasgow

Glasgow G12 8QQ, United Kingdom

e-Mail:, phone: + 44 141 330 4760