1. The IFPR Board
IFPR is governed by the IFPR Constitution The widest participation in IFPR activities includes all the participants in the biannual ICPR, and those who participate in the Regional ICPR meetings. Out of this world-wide, large participant population, the organization of IFPR includes four main bodies:
The Board comprises all the Foundation’s active members, with representation attempting to embrace delegates from all the world regions that are active in production research. Membership on the Board is by invitation only, and there is a formal procedure to nominate, approve, and invite a new member to join. Members are internationally recognized leaders of production research, who also participate regularly in the ICPR meetings and IFPR activities.
2. The IFPR President
The president is elected by the Board for a four-year term. The current President is (Anthony) Shun Fung Chiu from Phillippines, the General Secretary is Daniela Popescu from Romania and the Deputy Secretary is Edson Pinheiro de Lima from Brasil. President Chiu is assisted by the following working committees:
3. The IFPR Committees
The president is assisted by the following working committees:
Executive Committee, Chair: A. SF Chiu
Membership Committee, Chair: L. Quezada
Honors and Nominations, Committee, Chair: H. Bullinger
Publications Committee, Chair: C. O’Brien
Doctoral Training and Early Career Researchers Committee, Chair: R. Dekkers
Web Site Administrator: D. Popescu
Regional IFPR Committees:
AEM – Africa, Europe, and Middle East Region
(Vice-President: D. Popescu)
APR – Asia-Pacific Region
(Vice-President: H.K. Chan)
AR – Americas Region
(Vice-President: D. Sormaz)
4. IFPR Fellows
IFPR Fellows are H-J. Bullinger (Germany), C. Dagli (USA), E.M. Dar-El* (Israel), R. Grubbstrom (Sweden), C-Y. Huang (Taiwan), T. Ichimura (Japan), K. Ishii (Japan), M. Li (China), J.M. Moore* (USA), S.Y. Nof (USA), C. O’Brien (UK), V. Orpana (Finland), D. Popescu (Romania), L. Quezada (Chile), D. Spath (Germany), N. Tawara* (Japan), A. Villa (Italy) and V.M. Virolainen (Finland).
(*: deceased)